Meet beach goddess Maria and revel in the summer sun. Earn cash by tending to other sun worshippers and managing their every need. The sand and surf are your domain as you serve food, drinks, and stock the nearby souvenir shops. Interact with ten types of sun-kissed clients while conquering seven mini games in this Time Management tanning session. Catch the Beach Party Craze with cool calypso-style music in 50 levels.
kf6szf6nf6m sze9pen, az ute1nam jf6vők neve9ben is. Bevallom konyedtok kicsit a zene9hez, a szf3t me9gsem istremem ege9szen addig, medg a ute1na nem olvastam a s2e25-26 fordedte1se1n felbuzdulva, de he1t edgy je1r aki az internetről tanul.nem is a fordedte1s pontosse1ge1val van proble9me1m, szimple1n csak a nevek fordedte1se1nak szfckse9gesse9ge9n szoktam lamente1lni pro e9s kontra.Eze9rt is edrtam, hogy ez leginke1bb csak edzle9s ke9rde9se.